Problems in accessing the Quickbooks company file by the Pepperi for Quickbooks plugin, can show in several forms. Either at the wizard startup procedure, or during daily import and export operations of data.
You may see one of the following errors, or similar on screen; either that the Quickbooks company file open is different than the one indicated, or that the admin user must give permission to access this company file.
Otherwise, you may expereince issues where orders are not imported into Quickbooks or that new data (itemes\customers\debts\invoices etc.) isn't being exported into Pepperi.
The Basic solution to the above erros is having the Quickbooks company file open in Quickbooks by the Admin user and making sure it is the same company file you have indicated for the Pepperi for Quickbooks plugin to use.
If the above does not solve your issue, have a look at a different quirk that Quickbooks may present. Ask yourself first, is my quickbooks company file located on a network drive? if the answer is yes, then we have found your problem.
If you open the Quickbooks interface on this machine by browsing to a network location such as: \\\my company file\companyfile.qbw OR \\NetworkServerName\my company file\companyfile.qbw
BUT, you have configured the Pepperi plugin to access (the same!) company file via Z:\my company file\companyfile.qbw
Quickbooks will be sure you are trying to access two different company file.
Reason behind it as that Quickbooks is looking for the entire PATH of the file location as the name of the company file. So for Quickbooks all three paths we have highlighted in bold above are considered different files.
The soltuion is to always open the QB company file on this machine, as the one you had when you first configured the Pepperi plugin.
Questions? drop us a ticket.
Happy order taking!
the system is not connecting to quick book ( is not updating any of information) please need a response as soon as possible
thank you
the system is not connecting to quick book ( is not updating any of information) please need a response as soon as possible
thank you
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