Pepperi's Account Balance Manager is only one of Pepperi's Quick Setup Connectors, allowing you to simply integrate to external systems using a quick setup configuration interface in the back office.
Account BAlance Manager allows users (Reps, Buyers, etc. ) to manage their financial activity within Pepperi. Invoices are integrated from your accounting system/ERP and displayed to the user in an easy to use interface within Pepperi.
Reps or buyers can view and pay invoices, credit notes, or other financial documents, from within the Pepperi app.
- Execute a number of actions on one or multiple selected invoices such as:
- Pay one or more invoices via payment provider (with prebuilt connectors to Stripe, PayPal, etc.), or cash/check collection by Sales Rep. Details on payment providers.
- Indicate a partial amount to pay for an invoice
- Email a PDF statement of open invoices to your customer with a deep link to the portal to encourage payment from portal
- Export list of Invoices to Excel
- Additional actions added in the Quick Setup
1. Select Data Source for Ledger Report
Account Balance Manager Setup
Go to Settings -> iPaaS Quick Setup -> Account Balance Manager
Install - click Install if it is not yet installed
Launch - click Launch if it is already installed
You can create multiple configurations with different actions and layouts, and publish them to Pepperi users, for example: Invoice payment for buyers, Cash/Check Collection for Sales Reps, Credit Note view.
Add a new configuration, or copy an existing one and modify it.
Make sure to click Save when making changes to the configuration. Clicking OK or confirm within each configuration screen will not save the changes to your configuration.
General Settings
1. Select Data Source for Ledger Report
Select the Activity type that will be listed in the report. Select the Activity type name.
Example: Transactions, and Type "InvoiceForLedger".
"Create Demo Data" - clicking here will create 5 transactions of this type, for use as testing data if required.
2. Add Fields
Add fields from the Transaction Type defined in Step #1 to the report table view.
Header fields will be displayed when opening the report.
Line fields will be displayed when clicking on an invoice.
3. Action Buttons
Configure actions that will appear in the menu. For example: Pay by credit card, Send Statement, etc.
The actions will be executed on the invoices selected from the list. Multiple invoices may be selected.
Add an Action button:
Action Type |
Description | Example |
Pay Button
Will use the payment provider information configured.
Customer can pay by Credit Card - using Stripe payment provider. Pay the selected invoices via Stripe. |
Send Email | Send an email with PDF attachment using the Template configuration | Buyer or Rep send a financial statement to the configured email address, with a PDF attachment of the selected invoices. |
Export [CSV/Excel]E | xport the list of invoice headers to CSV or Excel | Export the selected invoice headers to Excel file. |
Configuration of Action Button
Button Name - title of the button
Custom Style - you can input CSS for this action button. ie use custom styles like different fonts, etc
Color - select a color for the button in the menu
On/Off - activate or deactivate the action
Function - each button type has its own functions:
- For Pay button - select the pre-defined payment provider configuration already existing in Pepperi.
Pay button example:
- For Send Email -
- SMTP - send emails from your own SMTP host. Select one of the SMTP configurations (set up in the Advanced tab - see below). If no configuration is selected here, the default will be used - email will be sent from Pepperi (
- Template - configure the PDF template that is emailed.
Template Configuration:
- Click the arrow to preview the PDF layout at anytime:
Send Email example:
- For Export - select export format CSV or Excel (XLSX)
Export example:
Previewing the Account Balance report
Click "Preview Ledger Page" to preview your configuration in Desktop and Mobile
Advanced Settings
Total Fields
Select a numerical or currency type field that should be summed in the Total box (this is the total amount that will be used for payment provider).
To enable entering a partial amount select "Custom Input" for the field name. This will use the custom field in the additional input column (configured below in the Data Output section). This adds an editable field to the report, the user enters the amount they wish to pay for each invoice. If no amount is entered the amount indicated in the "Reference for input" field in the Data Output configuration will be used (see below).
Search Fields
Add fields for searching the list
Smart Search Fields
Add fields for Smart Search filtering in the list
Date Picker
Configure the default date range value to display invoices.
Resource filter (using API) - every date change will send an HTTP request to data source
Local (default 1 year of data) - date will be filtered on last 1 year data locally using JS
Data Output
Setup the output data displayed in the list.
Selectable -
Yes - if actions should be executed on the invoices. You must select invoices first, then choose an action.
No - if the list is for display only, with no actions
Use additional input column - Yes - allows the user to input the amount they wish to pay (partial payment).
Reference for input - the TSA field to store the input amount. This field will be used in the "Total Fields" section to total the amount to execute the payment action. By default the value is the invoice amount. User can edit it.
Column Name - the title of the column displayed in each row with the reference for input field
Block row by condition:
Block row by reference - if you allow to block the line - when invoice is paid already. The line will not be selectable.
Select field for block - which field is indicating that invoice is not selectable (boolean).
Additional filter for data to Ledger:
Allows filtering data by status or other field. For example:
Status=2 AND TSAInvoiceForLedger=true
Action for Pay Button
Setup the fields that should be updated in the Activity/Transaction resource:
Resource type
Resource name
Setup fields updated in the list UI:
Select field for calculate total
Select field to update new total
Select field for Save and Close action to save JSON of all selected items in the list.
Stripe Payment Configuration:
Select Stripe Configuraiton ID (from Stripe Quick Setup)
SMTP Configurations
Add SMTP configuration to send email by your host. You can then select between the configurations in the Send email action.
If no configuration is entered here, the default will be used - email will be sent from Pepperi (
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