Price Lists, Discounts and more. . .
Pricing features in Pepperi are very flexible and varied and a proper understanding of these features will allow you to make the most of pricing and discounting capabilities.
Pricing supports four different price types: Price Lists, and 3 different price fields that can be uploaded for each item. (Using the various Discounts is also explained at the end of this article)
After uploading your items with as many price fields as you require, you then select which price to use for calculation purposes for the order (as described below).
The different types of prices you can upload per item are:
- Price
- Secondary Price
- Price Lists – multiple lists of prices per item used when groups of Accounts have different prices for items.
You can also load a Cost Price, which is not used for Item pricing, rather if a price below this Cost Price is entered it can warn the sales rep or be blocked. (If it is loaded, cost price can also be used to calculate your margin percentages)
You define either Price, Secondary Price or Price Level to be used in calculations for the order, while the remaining prices can be left for display only.
Here is an example of items with the 4 price fields uploaded in the items Excel file (if you are loading your data via CSV files/integration then price lists are loaded in a separate set of files, and not in the Items file):
Main Cat. |
Item Code |
Price |
Wholesale Price |
Cost Price |
Price List A |
Price List B |
Electronics |
TR00151 |
6.50 |
4.00 |
3.50 |
6.60 |
6.75 |
Electronics |
TR00152 |
9.75 |
8.50 |
9.00 |
10.00 |
10.25 |
Any type of price you upload should NOT be uploaded with a currency. It should be uploaded as a decimal number with no symbol.
If you are using price lists you can define the currency for each of your price list. See the article linked to below "How to Setup Price Lists".
If you are NOT using Price lists your currency is set in the Settings -> ERP Integration -> Configuration section on the Web Admin. Select the currency from the pull down menu there.
To configure Pepperi to use one of these prices for the purpose of calculation of the order price go to the Settings -> Pricing Policy Section:
*Please note: if you select Price level any Accounts not associated with a Price List will have 0.00 as the price appearing for all items.
Important Information about Price Lists
For detailed instructions on how to configure Pepperi to use price lists for your pricing policy and how to associate Accounts and currencies with each price list you should read this article: How To Setup Price Lists
Discounts can also be applied at the item level, the Account level, the Main Category/Brand level or by applying automated discounts using business rules. For detailed information on how to configure and apply these types of discounts you should read this article: Working with Discounts.
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