Separate your pre-order catalog from current season catalog, create catalogs using different product categories, currencies, or assign dedicated catalogs for self-service ordering by your Buyers and dedicated catalogs for Sales reps.
Each catalog is connected to specific Accounts and Transaction Types.
Each catalog has its own Filters and Price Lists (if needed). When selecting a particular customer, the user sees the catalogs containing products filtered for this customer.
Orders may be composed of items from one catalog at a time. Catalogs are specifically assigned to specific Transaction Types. So reps placing a sales order will be presented with a relevant list of catalogs to choose from, while those submitting a return or quote can choose from another list of catalogs.
Price lists can be assigned to specific catalogs and connected with a particular Account, providing greater flexibility in pricing.
A catalog can be assigned to a customer using the regular Price Level. However, another catalog can be assigned to the same customer, and present the items with a different price level.
For example: for the "Fall Items" catalog a customer will pay Price List A, while for the "Spring Catalog" they will pay Price List B.
NOTE: Depending on the Pepperi package you purchased, to be able to use this feature your account manager at Pepperi must enable it in the system for you.
This article will show how to configure and customize Multiple Catalogs and assign them to Accounts and Transaction Types.
Create Catalogs:
Go to Settings -> Catalogs -> Manage Catalogs
Click on "Add New Catalog"
The newly created catalog is created without filters (at all!). At least one filter MUST be created for the catalog to open and display items. To create filters see: Filters
In the General Info tab upload an image to appear on the cover of the catalog.
The maximum image file size is 5MB. The image will be re-sized to 170 x 170 pixels.
Name, expiration date and any custom fields you created in the Catalog Form section will appear here so you can complete them with the necessary information (for details on Catalog form: Customize Catalog Form).
All the fields that appear in General Info can be viewed in the catalogs by Pepperi Storefront users.
If you want this catalog to be available to buyers make sure that the check box (Active) is selected.
If the check box is not selected the catalog will be hidden from Pepperi buyers and Pepperi app users.
Click Save.
In the Items tab select the main categories (brands) and properties to include in the catalog. Only items that match these criteria will be shown in this catalog.
After modifying any settings, be sure to save them.
Finally, in the "Role" tab you can define which users have access to this catalog.
Catalogs can be made available to the Admin, Sales Reps and Buyers.
Once defined, save the changes made.
Note: The newly created catalog is created without filters (at all!). At least one filter MUST be created for items to be able to be viewed. To create filters see: Manage Filters
Assigning Accounts to Catalogs
After configuring the catalogs, assign the relevant catalogs to Accounts.
To assign specific catalogs to specific Accounts in bulk (including varying price lists) use an Excel file. For detailed instructions see: How to Upload Multi Catalog assignments in Bulk
You can also assign a catalog to all customers in the Catalogs section manually through the graphical interface in Manage Catalogs.
Select a catalog, and open the Action menu and select an option:
Connect to Accounts - allows you to select Accounts individually from a list.
Please note: if you are using Price Levels you must first click on the Price Level column to select a price list name and only then will you be able to tick the box to assign the catalog. (If you aren't using price levels you will be able to tick the box immediately).
Connect All - connects all accounts to the catalog. All users can view and order in the app and Storefront.
Disconnect All - disconnects all Accounts from this catalog. They will no longer be able to view it in the app or Storefront.
Deactivate/Activate - deactivates an active catalog, and activates an inactive one. This is the same as clicking the checkbox inside the catalog form - just more convenient from the menu.
Assigning Catalogs to Transaction Types
Once you have created Multiple Catalogs you can then associate specific catalogs with Transaction Types.
An example:
Sales Order Transactions should only include items from the Main Brands Catalog, Spring and Summer Specials catalogs, while Quotes should include items from the Pre-season and Luxury Items catalogs and Returns can only include items from the In-season and Gift Baskets catalog.
To connect Transactions to catalogs, go to the Settings tab of the Transaction Type and Edit the list of catalogs.
Once multiple catalogs are configured, the selection in Pepperi app will look like this:
When the sales rep begins a Transaction "Choose Catalog" will appear, displaying the catalogs assigned to the Account and Transaction Type. After selecting a catalog, the rep begins adding items to the order.
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