The Pepperi admin user can modify a transaction (ie sales order) that has been submitted.
Go to Sales Activities in the back office and select the Activity List the order should appear in, or search for the order by number in the Search box.
Click on the Order number you wish to modify.
In the Menu select "Revise". This will change the status of the order to Revised and allow you to modify existing items and add new items.
You will be presented with the following message:
Click OK. You can now select items and modify their quantity (and price if enabled) as well as add items to the order:
Click in the box with the item quantity and modify it as you wish:
You can modify the quantity of multiple items at once by selecting the items by their checkbox and clicking on "Set Value":
You can also add items to the order from the catalog by clicking on "Continue Ordering". You will be brought directly to the catalog where you can select Main Category (Brand)/Filters and add quantities for items.
Click on "Go to Cart" to return to the cart (bottom right of the catalog).
If you have enabled the editing of the order price on the cart by the Admin (by default it is disabled) then you will be able to modify the price of items.
(To find out how to enable price editing on the cart see this article: How to grant or take away permission for sales reps to edit order price on cart )
Change price per item by clicking on the "Unit Price After Discount" column (the column heading may be different if you configured the title of this column).
Change prices for multiple items by selecting the items and selection from Action -> Set Price After Discount (you will only have this menu option if you enabled the edit price on cart).
While you are working on the order it will remain in "Revised" status.
Once you have completed all your changes click Submit in the Cart and the order will go back to Submitted status.
All workflows defined for the order based on status change will go into effect if you have set them up in the "Workflow" tab of the transaction type. (Includes email notification, and file exports). For more information on Workflows see: Transaction Types Workflow and Settings
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