Below options are to be used inside the QB_exporter editor, to control how far back you wish to export the invoices or debts.
Note that importing ALL can cause a very large export file and a never ending export.
The optional values for Debts are:
All, Today, ThisWeek, ThisWeekToDate, ThisMonth, ThisMonthToDate, ThisQuarter, ThisQuarterToDate, ThisYear, ThisYearToDate, Yesterday, LastWeek, LastWeekToDate, LastMonth, LastMonthToDate, LastQuarter, LastQuarterToDate, LastYear, LastYearToDate, NextWeek, NextFourWeeks, NextMonth, NextQuarter, NextYear
The optional values for Invoices:
All , PaidOnly, NotPaidOnly
All, Today, ThisWeek, ThisWeekToDate, ThisMonth, ThisMonthToDate, ThisCalendarQuarter, ThisCalendarQuarterToDate, ThisFiscalQuarter, ThisFiscalQuarterToDate, ThisCalendarYear, ThisCalendarYearToDate, ThisFiscalYear, ThisFiscalYearToDate, Yesterday, LastWeek, LastWeekToDate, LastMonth, LastMonthToDate, LastCalendarQuarter, LastCalendarQuarterToDate, LastFiscalQuarter, LastFiscalQuarterToDate, LastCalendarYear, LastCalendarYearToDate, LastFiscalYear, LastFiscalYearToDate, NextWeek, NextFourWeeks, NextMonth, NextCalendarQuarter, NextCalendarYear, NextFiscalQuarter, NextFiscalYear
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