To join the Pepperi Pre-Release community you need to download the Testflight App from the app store on your iPad.
You will have received an email from Pepperi with the Testflight notification.
Open this email on your iPad or iPhone.
Once you open the email click on "View Update" and you will be taken to the Testflight app.
You'll see information about what new features and enhancements you should be looking out for while using this version.
Click on Install in Testflight and Pepperi will be installed.
You are now running the Pepperi Pre-Release version!
Please provide us with feedback at any point by tapping on the "Send Feedback" button in the Testflight app (tap on the app icon in testflight and the window will open) or send an email to
An email with your device information and your comments will be sent to us.
Please sign in to leave a comment.