You can assign different functionality, workflows, and form layouts to groups of users by using Pepperi Profiles. Each profile you create represents a group of users who are associated with it, and who will inherit all configurations and settings for that profile.
A few examples: a Rep Profile for taking orders, a Merchandiser Profile that only performs stocktaking and fills visit reports, a self-service ordering Buyer Profile on Pepperi’s Mobile Storefront, or a Back-Office Profile for a user who only takes inbound phone calls. You can also create language associated profiles, such as English Rep Profile and Spanish Rep Profile.
Profiles give you control over the data and the functionality exposed to each individual user.
A profile can have many things associated with it: Account forms and dashboard layouts, Activity forms, cart permissions and headings, the layout of the Order PDF, and more. Configuration can differ by profile for all Pepperi forms and settings.
Profiles have a quick one-time setup, and can then be used throughout your Pepperi configurations. Below is a short guide that explains the setup.
Profiles are available for Ultimate package customers. Please contact us if you want to use Profiles.
First create a Profile:
Go to Settings -> Users – > Profiles
Click + Profile
Each profile is “Based on” another profile. This simply means that if there is no explicit configuration for this profile for a particular layout, the configuration for the profile it is based on will be used.
Next, associate a user with the profile:
Go to Settings -> Users -> Edit user
Select a profile for the user.
Now you are ready to use your profiles to configure views and forms in your Pepperi Settings:
You may configure any of the Pepperi forms and views for a particular Profile.
Go to the configuration screen for the form or view. Select “Add new Profile” from the menu
Select the profile you want to configure a specific form for and click OK.
A form will be added with the profile’s name. Edit the form as you would any Pepperi configuration form to include the fields, permissions and layout for the users associated with that specific profile.
For example, if you are configuring a different Account Dashboard Layout per profile, the configuration forms will show a different form for each profile (see screenshot below).
The Rep has Sales Order, Returns, Account Debt, Monthly checkup, Reminder on his dashboard activities, the Merchandiser has Task, Photo, Retail Survey, Visit, Marketing Link, while the Buyer has a completely different layout.
Click ‘Add New Profile’ to configure the dashboard layout for other profiles.
Timesaver: Copy layouts between forms by clicking ‘Copy form’. This allows you to copy from one of the existing layouts to start with, and you may continue configuring from there.
Display fields in different languages by user profile
Another smart use of Profiles is to display fields about items and customers in the various views and catalogs in different languages to specific groups of users.
If you have reps selling to English speakers as well as reps selling to French speakers from the same catalogs, they can show an item description or property in the relevant language.
You would need to define the 2 profiles, let’s say “English Rep” and “French Rep”, and then display the fields in the relevant language in each profile’s configuration.
For details on implementing this use of Profiles see: Using Profiles to display information in the catalog in different languages per rep
For more tips see the TIP OF THE WEEK section on our blog.
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