A Service Account Key is used for uploading the build of your branded app to the Alpha track in the Play Developer console.
Pepperi will need this key in order to be able to upload the build.
Steps to create a service account that has access to Play Console:
3. In Service Accounts section click on + CREATE SERVICE ACCOUNT
4. Enter Name, description, and grant access
5. Click DONE in Grant users access to this service account (optional)
6. In the Service Accounts page click on the action menu for the service account you just created
7. Add the service account to the list of users in the play store, and give it admin access.
Open Google Play Console
Click Setup menu entry
- Click API Access
- Make sure Google Play Android Developer API is set to "On" (if not, click on "View API details" and "Enable API")
- Click View in Google Coud Platform
3. In Service Accounts section click on + CREATE SERVICE ACCOUNT
4. Enter Name, description, and grant access
Enter Name and click Done
Select "Service Account User" and click Continue
5. Click DONE in Grant users access to this service account (optional)
6. In the Service Accounts page click on the action menu for the service account you just created
- Choose Manage keys in the menu
Select ADD KEY -> Create new key
Select JSON in the dialog and click CREATE
The private key will be saved to your computer, you'll later upload it to the Private Label for Android add on configuration in the Pepperi back office.
Go back to the Google Play Console
7. Add the service account to the list of users in the play store, and give it admin access.
Click on the user and select "Admin" permissions:
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