Package promotions are applied to one or more items selected by the user.
This article explains how to install the Package Promotions module. To create Package Promotions, see Packages Trade Promotions Editor Guide. (You can also view a recorded training webinar on creating promotions - Product Education - Trade Promotions training).
To install Package Trade Promotions, log in to the Pepperi Webapp as an Admin user.
Click on Settings -> Configuration -> Add on Manager
NOTE: If you have a custom Webapp Main Bar configured in the webapp, the Settings gear will not be visible. You will need to remove the custom Main Bar for the Admin profile only (add the Admin profile to the Webapp Main Bar customization with no file selected). This will not affect the view of buyers or other profiles using the webapp.
Select Package Trade Promotions
Select the Edit Menu and Install
(If you don't see the add-on you want in the list or get a notification that you don't have access to install this Add on, contact us to enable it)
Steps to completing the installation
To complete the installation, the admin must complete the following steps. Once the admin completes these steps, then any user can use the promotions editor to create the promotions themselves.
Before installation - check your internal delimiter in ERP Integration Configuration settings. The internal delimiter cannot be set to ':' otherwise the data from the promotions will not be displayed in the editors. If your internal delimiter is set to ':' and you need to change it to ';' or '~' consult with your Pepperi project manager first, because this will affect your integration data.
- Run the installation for each Transaction Type you want to create Package Trade Promotions for.
- Modify the Items Scope and Catalog setup in the Pepperi Studio back office.
- Create Items list
- Create a shortcut button to the editor for the user who will be configuring the trade promotions (marketing manager, sales manager etc.)
Detailed instructions for each step appear below.
1. Run the installation for each Transaction Type you want to create Package Trade Promotions for.
The Package Trade Promotions Add on will be added. For Package Trade Promotions to be configured, you must run the installation for each Transaction Type you wish to have Package Trade Promotions for. or example: B2B Transaction, Sales Rep Order, etc.
Best practice
It is best practice to first duplicate the transaction you want to use promotion on - for example duplicate your Sales Order Transaction to "Sales Order with Promotions" - and install the promotion on the duplicated transaction. That way you can use the duplicated transaction during the configuration and testing period and once done, run the installation again on the original transaction. Once you are done testing, you will need to modify those promotion types to apply to the original "Sales Order". Promotion types are explained below.
How to Duplicate a Transaction Type
Create test orders with test values of your duplicated transaction:
If you are limiting promotions by Transaction Type, you will need to create at least one test order on the duplicated Transaction Type in order for the editor to recognize this transaction. Also, any Transaction fields that you want to use to limit the promotion by will need to have at least one test order with each value so that you can select it when configuring the promotion types (ie if you want to limit promotions by payment method of cash, you must have at least one test order where the value cash was selected for the payment method field in the database, for the editor to recognize this value).
Go to Settings -> Promotion Setup -> Package TP Setup
Select the Transaction Type that will support Package Trade Promotions (note the best practice tip above before selecting your transaction).
Next click on Advanced Setup
Click Add to add the PAckage Item and Additional Items transactions.
Select PPI_PackagePromotion - from the Package item transaction column for the first phase
Select PPI_PackagePromotion_AdditionalItems - from the Additional items transaction column for the "next" or additional phase.
Typically you will select these defaults, unless you are setting up customized packages, such as kits where the quantity is preset and cannot be changed by the user, then follow the instructions below.
Main Category for internal item - this is an internal setting only. It is the Main Category that the hidden item that is used in the Addition items transaction belongs to. This won't affect your catalogs or filters, it's for internal use only. It makes no difference which category is selected, as long as it's a valid main category that all users and Transactions have access to.
After the installation, the following objects will be created in your Pepperi back office.
NOTE: Do not delete or change these objects otherwise the promotion will not work properly.
- User defined tables with the prefix of 'PPI_PackagePromotion'
- Custom fields in the selected transaction type with the prefix of PPI_PackagePromotion' (in addition to any existing custom fields you already may have in this Transaction)
2. Modify the Items Scope of the Transaction Types you installed the Package Trade Promotions on, in the Pepperi Studio back office.
You'll need to modify the Transaction Type as follows:
Navigate to the 'Settings' tab in the selected Transaction type and add the following rule to the 'Transaction Items Scope' setting:
PPI_PackagePromotion_ShowPackageItem isEqual True
Note: If an Items Scope rule or several rules already exists then you need to add 2 PPIRules and connect them with an "OR" operator to your existing rules
Add the following 2 rules with an AND:
Modify the Catalog Setup of the PPI_Package and PPI_Package_AdditionalItems Transactions
When ordering packages, a selection screen will open up for the user to select the items they want in their package. This screen is essentially a "mini-transaction" which we install for you with the Add-on. In order to obtain a cleaner look when the mini-transactions open up, you may want to create a separate catalog without filters so as not to risk the user possibly selecting filters and then not seeing the items that participate in the package.
Package transaction with unnecessary filters. The user could mistakenly tap on one of the filters and not see the package products.
To do this for both possible phases of the package (initial selection of items, and then the additional items the user may select, depending on the incentive chosen in the promotion):
- Create an additional catalog to be used for packages only - you can include all the Items in it, because the package setup will filter only the items relevant to the package.
- Create an "ALL" filter only for this catalog (which simply displays all items)
- Assign the PPI_PackagePromotion and PPI_PackagePromotion_AdditionalItems Transaction Types to this catalog only:
- Go to Settings -> Pricing Policy -> Campaigns
- Edit the PPI_PackagePromotion Transaction Type. Go to the Settings tab and select the package catalog you created only.
- Edit the PPI_PackagePromotion_AdditionalItems Transaction Type, also assigning the package catalog you created only.
- Unassign your Sales Order, B2B, or any other Transaction Types you have from this packages catalog.
Package selection without filters (using the dedicated packages catalog):
Before configuring Trade Promotions in the editor, the admin will need to create at least one Items List . (If you've already created the Items List for another type of Trade Promotion, no need to do it again. The same list can be used to configure all Promotion types).
To create an Items List please follow these instructions carefully - Item Lists
When creating the list, make sure to include fields in the table layout, Search, and Smart Search of each list that will enable quick filtering of the lists, so that it's easier to find the Items that the promotions will apply to.
5. Create a shortcut button to the editor for the user who will be configuring the trade promotions (marketing manager, sales manager etc.)
The user who will configure the promotions in the editor will need access to the editor page (they won't have access via the Settings Add-ons if they are not an Admin).
First set the Addon Permissions for the profile in order to allow them to access the add ons: How to set Addon Permissions.
Then copy the editor page link and add it as an Online Add-on shortcut button to the user's Pepperi home screen.
If you want the user to have access to the editors for all 3 types of Trade Promotions - Item, Order, and Package - you will need to create 3 shortcuts (each editor has its own link. Instructions for each editor are in the installation guide for that editor).
If you upgrade the version of a promotion Add-on you will need to re-copy the link and replace it in the online add on.
To copy the link:
Go to Promotions Editor -> Package TP Editor
When the editor loads, copy the URL. It will look like this (with your ID):<Package_Trade_Promotions_ID>/defaultEditor
Then add it as an online add-on button on the user's home screen - How to add shortcuts to links on the App Home Screen and Menus
User's home screen with Promotion Editor shortcut buttons
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