Account Lists allow you to create lists of your Accounts, filtered by any field. Create multiple lists, and assign them to different user profiles. (Currently available on WebApp only)
For example:
- Lists of customers by region
- Lists of customers by type (lead, customer, VIP, account size)
- Lists of customers created in the last 30 days
To create lists go to Settings -> Accounts -> Account Lists (new) -> Create New List
Name: give the list a name
Description: a short description of the list
List view type:
Table - grid view with columns
Card - cards with Account fields displayed on the card
Details - a side column with the Account name, once tapping on the name the right pane displays the full Account info page (available on mobile app only)
Map - Accounts shown as pins on a map by geolocation (available on Webapp only)
Date Range: filter the Accounts shown in the list by a date field - Creation Date, and more
Sort By: select a field to sort the list by, click A->Z for ascending or descending
Filter: Defined which values should be used to filter the list
For example, a list of all Accounts in a certain city, sorted by Account Name (ascending)
After entering the General Info, click Save and the Configuration tab opens.
Configure the List View, Totals Box and Smart Search.
List View - configure the fields displayed in the list
Totals Box - configure the field shown in the Totals, this can be any numerical field you choose, and Pepperi will total it for all the Accounts appearing in the list. For example, a custom field indicating the total debt or credit limit of all the Accounts in the list.
Smart Search - configure the fields you wish to filter the list by in vthe Smart Search
Next, make sure to make the list available to the relevant profiles.
Go to the Permission tab in the main Account Lists screen and add the lists you created to the relevant user profiles.
The lists will be available both on the Webapp only. (Mobile devices will continue to show the default Account card view).
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