Setting up promotions that let you upsell and cross-sell existing customers and attract new ones is a part of every B2B sales strategy.
Pepperi allows you to set up a variety of promotions, and then push them out to the different sales channels - field sales reps, B2B eCommerce buyers, telesales, etc. So for example you can have a discount on items, or a special package offer for sales reps selling in-person, while B2B buyers will be eligible for different types of promotions. This is all done on a graphical promotions editor that is configurable by non-technical users.
Promotions can be set up for items, by item categories, brands, or by any other property. They can be easily applied to specific Accounts, while excluding others.
Each manager/user creating promotions can focus on their own brands and promotions. You can define that each user will only see the promotions they created.
Promotions are divided into discounts and other incentives applied to:
Setup guides for each promotion type are available in the Editor Guides for each promotion type.
A recorded training session is available here: Trade Promotions | Product Training Webinar
Promotion Priority
Each promotion type has a priority, so you can determine if an item or a customer is eligible for multiple promotions, which ones can be given in conjunction with others.
For example:
If an Item is eligible for a discount of "Buy 10 get 5% discount", and a Brand that Item belongs to is discounted by %20 as well, you can indicate if both or one of the incentives should be applied.
Promotions can be limited to a specific date range, or be in effect at all times.
Promotions can be applied to customers, brands, collections, or any other property associated with items or orders. Some examples of assigning promotions by these properties:
- Give a discount on a particular brand or brands only, to one segment of customers only, filtered by an Account property such as size, location, or type.
- Special price of $10 on a list of specific items, filtered by season or other item property.
- Give an order discount of 3% to all self-service orders only on B2B Storefront.
- Last season's items on clearance - 70% off.
With dozens or hundreds of promotions running in parallel, finding the ones that apply to a specific item is easy using the Promotions Editor Filter by filtering by the properties the promotion is based on.
Item Promotions
Give incentives on items based on quantities purchased. Applied to each item separately. Such as - Buy "X or more" quantity of an item and get:
- Discount %
- Discount Price
- Total Price
- Additional item(s) free (same or other item (s))
- Additional item(s) discounted (same or other item(s))
You can set up multiple quantity tiers, with the same or different incentive for each tier.
Give incentives on items based on amount purchased. Applied to each item separately. Such as - Buy $50 of a certain item and get $5 off, or 5% discount.
- $3.00 off on specific items/brands (filtered by any property or category)
- 3% discount on specific items/brands
- Buy 20 or more and get 10% discount
- ... 50 ... 20%
- ... 100 ... 30%
- ... 200 ... 50%
- Buy 15 or more and pay $30
- ... 50 ... get 5 free
- ... 80 ... 30% off
- Buy 1 get second at 50%
- Buy 5 get 1 free (same item)
- Buy 5 get 1 free (another item)
Packages and Bundles
Packages allow you to give an incentive on a group of items the customer selects from a list you have defined, such as "Pick any 5 items from the list for $25".
Bundles, allow you to give incentives on groups of items you have predefined, such as a bundle of 12 products that are sold together for a fixed price or at a discount.
Packages may also contain quantity tiers. For example:
Select any 5 items for $25
Select any 15 items for $60
Select any 25 items for $75
You can limit the uses of the package incentive. For example:
Buy 5 for $25 - limited to the first 10 purchased.
Buy 20 get 2 free - limited to the first 60 purchased (max 6 free items)
Examples of Packages and Bundles:
1. Select 50 items from a predefined list for $200
2. Select 25 items from the indicated brands, and then pick 1 item free (or discounted) from another brand.
3. Select 4 items and get the Cheapest of those items free
4. Buy $200 worth of a certain category, and get $25 worth of items free from another category (get a currency amount worth of free items).
5. Bundle:
12 of Item1
24 of Item2
18 of Item3
These items are sold as a bundle of 54 products for a fixed price of $375. You can limit the number of bundles that can be purchased per order, or allow unlimited bundles.
6. Buy 4 preset bundles and get a free in-store display.
Order Promotions
Give incentives based on the total order amount, or the selected payment method for this order, or any other order property.
Such as - Buy "$X or more" and get:
- Discount %
- Discounted Price
- Additional item(s) free (predefined, or user selected)
- Additional item(s) discounted (predefined, or user selected)
1. Buy total of $500 or more and get 5% discount
...$1000 ..... 6%
...$2000 .... 7%
2. Buy total of $750 or more and choose 3 free items from a list (an additional screen will open up in the shopping cart where the user selects the free items).
3. Pay cash and get 3% discount (incentive not related to order total, rather to payment method indicated in order details).
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