View orders and activities submitted by users on a map view with a pin for each Activity at the location it was created or submitted. (To create a map type of Activity List see Activity Lists ).
The pin location is determined by the geolocation captured in the Workflow of the Transaction or Activity.
The "Capture Geolocation" Workflow action allows you to capture the location into the Pepperi fields as follows:
ActivityCreationLatitude / ActivityCreationLongitude - use these fields if you are interested in recording the location of when an Activity was started. in the New -> In Creation transition
ActivitySubmissionLatitude / ActivitySubmissionLongitude - use these fields if you are interested in recording the location of when an Activity was submitted or completed. typically in the In Creation -> Submission transition, or in the last transition that you consider as a "Submission" in your workflow.
Edit the Transaction or Activity Type you wish to see on the map and add the Capture Geolocation action in the Workflow transition you require (Creation, or Submit).
Select the fields for the Lat and Long. Make sure that if you select the Submission or Creation for Latitude, you also select it for Longitude,
The number of meters that the coordinates are accurate to. Add a custom field to capture the value if you want to view it in the map view information for each pin.
Response Time
Enter a number milliseconds to wait for a response from the GPS services before continuing to the next action. Set a value between 0 - 9999 ms. If a location is reached sooner than the indicated time, the workflow will continue immediately. If a location is not received within the indicated time, it will continue to be retrieved in the background.
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