Orders placed in Pepperi can be sent as PDF attachments via email to destinations that you configure.
For Order Details form configuration go to Settings --> Sales Activities --> Transaction Types
Edit the Transaction Type (ie Sales Order) that you wish to configure the Order Details / PDF form for.
Open the Views tab
The Views tab allows you to configure the layout for various views and forms of the Transaction Type.
Open the type you want to configure and then click on the edit icon to edit the form.
This article explains each of the types and how to configure them.
Transaction Details
In the Transaction Details section you can configure:
Details Form: The fields that will appear on the Transaction Details page.
This page is displayed on the app when the user taps “...” on the bottom of the shopping cart.
Select the profile you wish to configure the Details Form for by clicking on the pencil icon next to the profile name:
Sales Rep - Configure the "…” order details form in the Cart
Admin - Configure the Order Details fields seen by Admin profile
Buyer - Configure the More Order Details form the buyer can open to enter more order information in Pepperi B2B eCommerce Storefront.
(If you have more profiles, they can of course be added)
Details PDF: The fields that appear in the header on the first page of the PDF copy of the order.
The Details PDF has only one profile– “PDF form” – because it is not configurable differently per profile.
The Details form is divided into 3 sections: General information, Account Information and Order Information. In each section you will find related fields.
You can drag each of the available fields to any of the sections.
You can change the field label by clicking on the pencil icon next to the field's name once you have dragged it into one of the sections of the layout.
You can make a field mandatory (meaning the order will not be able to be submitted until this field is filled out). The field will be marked with a red star on the form and even if the Sale Rep or the Buyer does not open the form they will be warned and a popup message will inform them that a field/fields they had to fill in are missing.
Continue to edit the Details Form for each of the profiles you require and click Save.
Configuration of the various Cart options allows you to configure the Grid, Lines, Line Details and Matrix Grid Views in the cart, as well as the columns in the PDF copy of the order, sorting criteria, and column widths of the table views. You can also configure which views are available for each user profile in the cart.
Cart Grid View: configure the fields that will appear in the table of items ordered in the cart. You may configure the order table differently for each profile (Reps, Buyers, Admin, other).
Cart Line View: configure the layout of the Line View (for smaller screens/smart phones).
Cart Transaction Line Details: configure the layout of the details when drilling down on a line item in the Lines View. This is where fields such as price and quantity can be edited when in Lines View (as opposed to Grid View where they are edited right in the grid on the cart with no drill down).
Matrix Grid: Configure the view when the Matrix display is selected in the Cart (for matrix items, showing one row for each Style with the quantities ordered of each size indicated in columns when scrolling right).
Cart PDF View: The fields that will appear in the table of items ordered in the PDF copy of the order.
Cart Views: configure the views available in the Cart View Menu (you can remove the irrelevant views for example if you are not using Matrix items, remove the Matrix Grid, or make the Lines view available for smartphones only - for instructions on configuration per device type see: Device Specific Configuration of Catalog Views and Menus )
Edit the form you want to configure (click on the pencil icon next to the name of form).
Select the field you wish to sort items in the Cart by. You can sort by any one of the fields present in the cart columns.
Select Ascending or Descending for the sorting order.
Drag from Available Fields to the Layout section to indicate the columns of the Order table. After dragging a field to the Layout section you may modify the column title by clicking on the edit pencil button to the right of the field name and change it to the column heading you require (exactly as shown above in the Transaction Details configuration).
For the relevant fields such as "Unit price after discount", you may also change the field to "Read only" meaning the sales rep will not be able to modify the field on the cart.
Only the relevant fields will have the Read Only option available. Other fields, such as "Item Description" will not have this option.
By marking the "Unit Price" as "Read Only" this is in fact preventing the sales rep from editing the order price to a price other than what was calculated by Pepperi (after applying any discounts and campaigns).
Click Save.
You can enable users to edit the order price on the cart: How to Enable / Disable Sales Reps Edit Price Permissions
In the Footer Tab you can configure:
Minimized Cart Footer Field: You can select one field to be displayed in the footer when it is minimized. (This is relevant for phablets only, where the bottom section of the cart with subtotals, discounts, tax, remarks, total, etc. can be minimized).
PDF Footer: You can select fields that will appear on the last page of the PDF copy of the Transaction that is emailed.
Expanded Cart Footer: configure the fields in the expanded footer, when tapping on the field that you put in the Minimized Footer (see above).
Order Center Footer Field: configure the field that is totaled in the footer of the Order Center. Typically putting the Grand Total there is very useful, so that you can see the total sum of the order changing as you add/remove items.
Choose the form you want to edit, and configure the fields in the same way as the forms above.
Drag the fields you require to the Layout. You can change the label of the field by clicking on the pencil icon next to it.
Fields commonly added to the footer include: Signature, Totals Box, Sales Rep contact information, General Remarks, or any custom fields.
Click Save.
* Totals Box field displays all of the following information: Subtotal, Discount, Vat, and Grand total (with smart logic to remove discount/ VAT in case they are 0).
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